What Is a Facelift?
A facelift (or face lift, rhytidectomy) is a cosmetic surgery that consists of tightening the skin and muscles of the face and neck. This surgery is suitable for women and men as well. You will be able to look 10 years younger. This lift will fight against the signs of aging caused by weather, stress, sun exposure, gravity or smoking. In addition, it can ben done on different parts of the face, such as: neck, face and neck, temples, cheeks and jowls.
Other cosmetic surgery procedures such as blepharoplasty, facial liposuction, lipofilling (fat transfer to fill wrinkles) or aesthetic medicine such as injections of hyaluronic acid, botox or PRP treatment, can be done in combination with a facelift.
Facelift Cost
The price of a facelift depends on several variables. As for example the country, the clinic, the surgeon and the type of remodeling practiced.
The cost of a facelift in Hungary will in any case be lower than UK prices and up to 80% cheaper, including travel.
Finally, if you want a quote to know the price of your rhytidectomy and stay, just contact us by e-mail to info@swissmedflight.com or fill out our contact form.
Facelift Candidate
The facelift is an effective treatment for patients with a sagging face and neckline, marked wrinkles and the appearance of hollow cheeks. This intervention is ideal to redefine the oval of the face.
There is no particular age for a facelift, it depends on one person to another. A mini-facelift would be a good alternative as a first facelift from the age of 40 and a full facelift from 50 years.
At the psychological level, a facial remodeling will also strengthen self-confidence and self-esteem, for people who want to look physically younger and dynamic by intervening on the signs of aging.
The ideal candidate is a patient in good health, ready to follow the surgeon’s pre- and post-operative indications, non-smoker, with no healing or bleeding problems and realistic expectations of results.
The Different Types of Facelift
Face and Neck Lift
The full face lift or face and neck lift consists of a surgical operation to redraw the skin and to tighten the muscles of the face in order to make disappear or reduce the wrinkles as well as the relaxation of the cutaneous tissue appearing with aging. The incisions are made in front of and behind the ears. They start from the third of the neck, they rise slightly at the temples on the third of the face. The resulting scars are poorly visible and usually hidden by the hair.
Mini facelift
The mini-facelift is comparable to a full face lift. The difference is that the incisions are shorter than the latter; they are done in front of the ear and at the level of the temple, under the hair. The skin at the level of the ears is stretched to decrease the relaxation of the face, allowing the deep structures to reposition themselves.
Learn more about mini facelift
Mid-facelift or Centro-Facial Lift
The mid-facelift or face lift is aimed at the area of the face between the lower eyelid and the upper lip. Incisions are made at the level of the temporal region and is thus hidden by the hair. The procedure goes up the face, thus relieving the loosening of the skin and increasing the volume of the soft tissue in “dug” areas.
Brow Lift
Facial smoothing is often accompanied by an eyebrow or forehead lift and eyebrows. The operation including the forehead is done by endoscopy with small incisions in the scalp. That of the eyebrows only, by a lateral lift.
Facial Lipofilling
Lipofilling is an excellent adjunct to facelift, as it helps to reshape the face to give it a harmonious and youthful shape by filling the hollow areas, especially below the eyes and in the nasolabial fold (ride from the corner of the nose) .
Injectables: Botox and Hyaluronic Acid
The joint use of injectables – such as hyaluronic acid (filling the wrinkle) and Botox (inhibiting the contraction of the muscles contributing to the deepening of the wrinkles) – is often proposed in addition to the facelifts in order to reduce or even eliminate the remaining wrinkles.
Preparing for Facelift Surgery
1 month before the intervention, it is necessary to stop smoking, because a preoperative smoking cessation reduces the operational risks.
2 weeks before the intervention, it will stop taking aspirin, drugs, dietary supplements and vitamins increasing the risk of bleeding.
If the procedure is performed under general anesthesia, then it will be necessary to fast on the day of the intervention.
Finally, a medical checkup and blood tests will be done at the clinic, 1 day before surgery.
Facelift Procedure Steps
Length of Stay
A minimum stay of 5 days is required on site. After the intervention, you will have to respect a recovery time on the spot before returning home safely.
The facelift is performed under general anesthesia.
Duration of the Procedure
The procedure lasts between 60 and 120 minutes.
As we have seen above, the type of incision made by the surgeons will depend on the type of facial facelift contemplated.
Depending on the type of anesthesia, hospitalization may be necessary. In general, you will spend a night under observation at the clinic.
Facelift Recovery
The recovery time after a facelift varies from one individual to another.
After the procedure, it is necessary to count 15 days before being presentable.
You can return to your normal activities 15 days after the intervention.
1 day or 2 after surgery, swelling and bruising will appear. These may take several weeks to disappear.
Healing is a slow process. Therefore, it will take between 6 to 12 months before judging the final state of the scars. In all cases, the incisions being made in the natural folds of the skin and the edge of the hair, they will go unnoticed after this period.
Regarding smokers, it will be necessary to stop smoking during the 2 months following the procedure in order to improve the cicatrization and to minimize the risks and complications related to a facelift.
Finally, the sports activities will have to be suspended during the month following the surgery and 2 months for aquatic activities (swimming pool or scuba diving).
Facelift Results
The results of a facelift are significant once the healing period ends. At least 2 to 3 months after the cosmetic surgery. The results are for the long term and can rejuvenate 10 years. In most cases, a second intervention will not be necessary.
Facelift Before/After Pictures

I had a facelift with a blepharoplasty in Budapest. Now, I look fifteen years younger, really! I am very satisfied with my medical tourism journey in Hungary with SwissMedFlight.Besides, I knew for cheap dentists in Budapest but I had no idea that there was also cheap Surgeons in Hungary.
Great job! I did the nose plus eyelids and I recovered the devilish look of my youth. Regarding the nose, I just regret not having traveled to Hungary for my rhinoplasty earlier.